Fall is by far my favorite season. The holidays are approaching, the air is crisp and cool, and the fall colors in Northwest Indiana are nothing short of spectacular. With so many beautiful locations to work with, it’s no surprise that this is peak season for shooting engagement photos and senior photos.


For Angela’s senior photos, we shot at the beautiful Marquette Park and Aquatorium of Gary, Indiana. Marquette Park is one of my favorite locations to shoot senior photos and engagement photos in the Northwest Indiana area, as it offers a wide range of options, all in one place. Surrounding the entire area is a beautiful wooded/forested area, which photographs wonderfully year round (and particularly nice in the fall). For a change of pace, the old Gary Bath House, or Aquatorium, is a really unique building, offering a beautiful overlooking view of Lake Michigan and the Dunes. A few steps down from there and you’ll find yourself on the Lake Michigan beach front, with crashing waves and endless rolling hills of beach grasses and silky smooth sand.


Today, we decided to start Angela’s session in the woods, soaking up as much of those beautiful fall colors as we could.



After an outfit change, we moved on to Marquette Park Pavilion. There’s a lot to work with here, but to capture some of the amazing clouds, we decided to work with one of the terraces off the main pavilion.



Next, we made out way over to the Aquatorium to wrap up with Angela’s second outfit.



Last outfit change and we’re on our way towards the beach! But first, a few stops around the outside of the Aquatorium. Too many fun things to pass up at this place.  🙂



We finally made our way over the dunes and ended the shoot with some of the most incredible skies I’ve ever worked with. The wind off the lake was cold and intense, but Angela toughed it out and pushed through! I gotta give her credit for that one — hopefully she agrees it was worth it!



Angela took a break to warm up, so Rich and I had a little fun while we waited. Couldn’t waste such a beautiful opportunity, right? He’s so purdy…  😛



Thanks again, Angela, for such an awesome shoot! Had a blast working with you!!


Looking to book YOUR senior photos? Head over to the CONTACT page and drop me a line, I’d love to hear from you!!